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“ Delia Serban is a talented author who has made a significant impact on literature through her works on mindfulness. Her books on the topic have captivated readers around the world, providing insights and guidance on how to cultivate a more mindful and present life.
In her books, Delia explores the concept of mindfulness, which involves being fully present in the moment, paying attention to one's thoughts, feelings, and surroundings, and accepting them without judgment. She emphasizes the importance of mindfulness in promoting mental and emotional well-being, reducing stress and anxiety, and improving overall quality of life.
One of Delia’s most notable works on mindfulness is "Mindfulness- A way to improve your mental wellbeing”. This book provides a comprehensive guide to mindfulness, including practical exercises, meditations, and strategies for incorporating mindfulness into daily life. It has been praised for its accessible and engaging writing style, making mindfulness accessible to readers of all backgrounds and experience levels.
Another of Delia’s influential works on mindfulness is "Mindfulness- Descopera fericirea din interior” ( Mindfulness-Discover the happiness inside of you), romanian language, which provides an introduction to the topic for those who are new to the practice. This book covers the basics of mindfulness, including how to cultivate awareness, manage stress, and improve emotional regulation. It has been praised for its clear and concise writing style, making it a great resource for those looking to start a mindfulness practice.
Delia’s works on mindfulness have had a significant impact on readers around the world, inspiring many to adopt a more mindful and present approach to life. Her writing style is engaging and accessible, making the topic of mindfulness approachable for readers of all backgrounds and experience levels. Her contributions to the field of mindfulness have helped to promote greater understanding of the benefits of mindfulness, and have provided valuable guidance to those seeking to cultivate a more mindful and present life.
-Emma Smith-
(Newspaper writer)

Sabina R.
Director and Superintendent Pharmacist
"Delia has worked for me for 10 years. She stepped out of her comfort zone and into a world of challenges that anyone with a lesser strenght of character would given up in. With specific training and mentoring, and conscientious study she rapidly gained the skills of her occupation. Coupled with her natural empathy and compassion she has gained a unique aptitude for her job. I believe this is entirely due to her attitude to life and directly attributable to the Mindfulness she practices every day. It is apparent in her interactions with others. Her state of mindfulness helps her in the daily instances of stress and tension that we all face in our working lives. Being mindful enables her to establish a rapport with others, be it professional or personal."

D-na Lucia Hen
Membru al Organizatiei Nationale Cercetasii Romaniei
"Cartea Deliei oferă un bun început pentru conștientizarea legăturii strânse dintre corp și spirit precum și pentru cunoașterea metodelor prin care putem înțelege această legătură.
Sigur că de la teorie la practică e cale lungă,dar totul trebuie să aibă un început.Totul depinde de noi,de dorința noastră de a ne cunoaște cu adevărat.Toate metodele prezentate în carte au la bază principiile promovate de cultura asiatică plecând de la Lao Tzu care spunea:" Ai grijă de gândurile tale; Ele se transformă în cuvinte. Ai grijă de cuvintele tale;
ele se transformă în acțiuni. Ai grijă de acțiunile tale; ele se transformă în obiceiuri. Ai grijă la obiceiurile tale;
ele îți formează caracterul. Ai grijă la caracterul tău; el devine destinul tău." Luând- pe fir, suntem ceea ce gândim. Iar unde se duce gândul, se duce și energia. De aceea se adună oamenii ce gândesc la fel, energia gândurilor lor intră în rezonanță.
Mulțumim, Deliei Șerban că a ales urbea natală pentru lansarea primei ei cărți. Mult succes! Le așteptăm pe următoarele."

Dna Aurora Avasiloaie
Profesor Director
"Felicitări, Delia Serban ! Mulțumesc ca ai deschis, prin această carte, o ușă în intelegerea conceptului Mindfulness . Cu siguranță tinerii de la Colegiul Tehnic de Cai Ferate "Unirea" Pascani te-au convins ca: "Fericirea e minunata : cu cât o dai mai mult, cu atât mai mult iti rămâne " (B.Pascal)" "

Dna Daniela Orasanu
Director si Profesor al Colegiului de Cai Ferate "Unirea" Pascani
"Ce este fericirea? Există fericire? Fericire sau pasiune? Fericire sau plăcere? Dacă fericirea e un mix de procese chimice, le putem controla? Delia Șerban - Alumnus Unirea 1998 - se întoarce acasă, în familia Unirea, după 20 de ani, cu un dar neprețuit: o carte "ghid interior de fericire" cum o numește chiar autorul. Delia ne dăruiește o carte extraordinară cu atât mai necesară astăzi în această lume grăbită în care adesea uităm să trăim. O carte necesară care ne învață cum să ne construim starea de bine. Delia ne învață cum să ne calibrăm în interior, cum să "pescuim clipa", cum să prețuim prezentul. Echilibrul interior poate fi educat.
Mulțumiri Delia! Te așteptăm cu nerăbdare să ne prezinți următoarea carte! Zâmbiți mereu!"

Raeesa M
"I met Delia at work not so long ago and we clicked instantly. Through our love and passion of mindfulness and self development we created an everlasting bond of friendship. She has inspired me in many ways and her books continue to help me through the difficult times in my life."

Dna Doctor Camelia Racila
" O lansare de carte pentru suflet si minte. Bravo Delia ! Multumesc pentru invitatie."

Reza R.
" I have known Delia for 9 years. She is very focused and determined in everything that she does. She has a good heart and unselfish nature. She is very motivational in her everyday life and in fact so much so that she inspired me to take up yoga!"

Brian H.
Civil servant
" I have known Delia for over six years. She inspires honestly and integrity, and her personality is reflected in her writing".

Dragos S.
Sales Director
"A lovely, well-written, easy to follow, and helpful book. I can easily highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in using mindfulness to heal. Delia knows what she's talking about and she speaks from the heart".