In a world of contrasts, where shadows dance and light refrains,
A black and white heart, it quietly remains.
In shades of ebony, a story unfurls,
An enigmatic balance, where opposites twirl.
Black, a symbol of strength and mystery untold,
White, the canvas of purity, a tale yet to unfold.
Within this dual canvas, emotions intertwine,
A black and white heart, a rhythm so divine.
In darkness, solace, and secrets unseen,
In light, hope shines, where love's rays convene.
Together they merge, a unity profound,
A yin and yang connection, destiny's profound.
For in this realm of contrasts, where contradictions arise,
A black and white heart, in harmony, defies.
Affirming that beauty lies not in just one hue,
But in the mingling of shades, both old and new.
In the dance of duality, opposites embrace,
Binding diverse elements in seamless grace.
For a black and white heart, it's love's enduring art,
To find solace in balance, the whole greater than its part.
So let us celebrate the black and the white,
Each stroke of the pen, each day and every night.
For within the contrast, a tale of love takes flight,
In the realm of the black and white heart's eternal light.
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